Top 5 Manx Tweeters

I was looking at Twitter Grader to see who the Twitter Elite in the Isle of Man are and these are the top 5 at the moment:

# Tweet Them Grade Bio Location
1 OwenC 96.7 Your friendly neighborhood geek Isle of Man
2 sherrilynne 95 PR and marcoms consultant. Isle of Man
3 ManxStef 82 Freelance slacker geek who should probably get a real job Isle of Man
4 jamesq 81 A happy kinda guy just wandering along with my beautiful fiancee for company. Isle of Man
5 Clarissa789 80 Wedding Planner Extraordinaire Isle of Man

I must say, I’m pretty chuffed to be at the top of the list. I know all the others on the list except for Clarissa whose Tweets seem to be predominently posts on her wedding site. A number of people are using Twitter for SEO purposes, whether it’s to sell term life insurance quote online or wedding services, so I guess there are always going to people Tweeting who I don’t really know.

Again .. pretty cool I’m first 😉


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