Well almost. It’s the night before the night before Christmas and our house is full of wrapping paper, the turkey is sitting in the fridge and the tree is sparkling in the corner. I’m finally getting into the spirit, but I’m working tomorrow, so I’m not quite there yet. We also have family over (Camille’s parents and sister are over to celebrate Christmas with us), so it’s going to be pretty much a home/family thing this year.
We’ll be spending New Year’s Eve in too, but we tend to turn it into a great party. There are loads New Years Eve party ideas that one can implement, and I got some great ideas from the New Years Eve ideas page on Celebrations.com. We normally have lots of finger foods in, champagne and even party games, but the website has loads of other suggestions too. Ideas range from Family Friendly New Year’s Eve Parties all the way through to a New Year’s Eve 80s Retro Party. We’ll take some ideas from there but we have a pretty good formula we use.
This year Arthur is 2, well almost 3, so Christmas is a really big thing for him. He’s all eager waiting for Santa to come, has his stocking and keeps asking whether it’s Christmas yet. It promises to be great fun! Can’t wait!