I popped down to Marketing Pilgrim this morning to get my daily dose of Internet news as it has become one of the places I always stop off and was greated with this:
Seems like the site is down for maintenance; or maybe their changing hosting provider; or maybe something more sinister has occured. I’ll be keeping an eye out, but I hope it was a planned occurance.
Makes me realise though how transient artefacts on the Web can be though. Like all modern technologies, it’s built out of layer on top of other layers and if one of these goes wrong, down comes the whole thing. I experienced this a few months ago, when my old hosting provider decided to pull the plug. All my websites were down and it took a fair bit of work to migrate them onto a new hosting provider.
The thing to bear in mind is that websites need a continual effort to maintain a web presence. Whether it’s tending to things that have broken or paying your hosting provider or just keeping your content updated, there’s constant effort required to keep things alive. If you don’t keep doing this, the forces of chaos will step in and entropy will eat away at your presence. No different to real life I suppose!
Entropy??? Thanks for the new word! Off to figure out how to back up my blogs so I don’t lose them. Be afraid Owen! You might want to hide.