Image details: Festival of the Winds served by picapp.com
I think I quite like brightkite. It has a clean interface and seems to be “smoother” than other micro-blogging platforms. The one thing it doesn’t seem to have for me is any sort of momentum. There are too few people I know on it and because of that reason, I don’t really pop in that often. Because I don’t pop in often, I don’t have many friends .. do you see where I’m going with this.
One thing I love is the geo-location facilities built into it, which is a feature which is bound to increase in popularity, partly because it’s real information and partly because people are just nosy. What are your thoughts on brightkite?
If you’re on brightkite: here’s my brightkite profile. If not, drop me a comment and I’ll send you an invitation
Please send me a bright kite invite