Talk Tech on Third Thursday – January 2018

Welcome to the 2018! This is the first Third Thursday of the year, and time to get together with your techy friends to talk about the latest developments in technology, what’s new on the scene and what new gadgets and tech you’ve been playing with since our last meet.

We’ve been meeting for a while now and every month we always find a different strand of technology to focus on. We’ve done robotics, streaming, cryptocurrency, microprocessor design, autonomous cars and every subject you can think of. Conversations vary depending on who turns up, but you can bet your bottom dollar it’s going to be something in the technology sphere. I’m half tempted to bring an Amazon Echo with me this month as John and I have been writing skills for this. Anyone want to have a play with one?

It’s an open lunch event, anyone can join us, so if you know anyone who would be interested, feel free to bring them along. If you’re not hungry, just grab a coffee and join in anyway. We’re booked in at Bar George at 12:30 on Thursday 18th January. See you there!

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