January seems to be flying by and it’s that time of the month again; when Third Thursday is upon us and it’s time for the Manx Social Media Club to meet up for lunch. We always meet in the same place; Paparazzi in Douglas, so you should all be familiar with it, but I’d like to stress that lunch is open to everyone with an interest in Social Media. New faces are always welcome.
This month we have lots to talk about, the upcoming Twestival, some members are bringing tablets along to show off, whether Twitter needs filtering or not, whether Foursquare is declining in popularity and of course, the obligatory OS debates. The agenda is always open, so feel free to bring any questions, peeves and successes you want to hear. We’re particularly interested in where you’re using Social Media and the impact on your organisation and yourself.
So, if you’re interested in Social Media, come meet us at Paparazzi at 12:30 on Thursday 20th January. We’re usually the big table in the top right corner.