.. over the next few hours, don’t be alarmed. I’m implementing a new theme that will give this blog a complete makeover. It’s going to look totally different by the end of it, but I’m using a theme that is so customisable that it will take ages to get the blog perfect. I’ll also be using this blog to test the WordPress theme out, so if you have any problems with it, please let me know.
One thing I’ll be doing will be to take a backup before I start. It’s funny how you don’t realise how important a backup is until you really need it. Interestingly, a friend of mine even keeps a keylogger running on his system, just a keep a complete history of all the keypresses he makes, in case he ever needs to recover or redo something. It’s also worth keeping in mind that sometimes even backups can fail though. A friend called me this morning because his computer was reporting all his photos as corrupted and when he plugged in his backup disk, it asked him if he wanted to format it (i.e. couldn’t read from it). John, I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you all day. He’s a passionate photographer and has thousands of photos on his computer. I can’t imagine how gutted he would be if something happened to them.
Are you using WordPress 2.6.1? I’ve upgraded my site to this version and am having several problems with categories disappearing and my personalized CSS not working. I hope your experience goes better than mine. Keep us “posted”, OK?
I’m a sucker for three column themes, so YES! I LOVE IT!
Poor John. I would be devastated. I hope his photos are ok!!
@Ron: I’m using WordPress 2.6, but technically CSS issues shouldn’t be related to the version of WordPress you’re using. Do you have similar problems on a different theme?
@Jules: If you notice I actually had a wide sidebar and 2 narrow ones. Nice to have so many options to play with 😉
Hi Owen,
That’s why your post caught my attention. If you have success with this theme, I plan to find the time to try it out on my site. 🙂