It was with sadness what that I read that Michael Arrington has decided to take a leave of absence after
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BenSpark’s holding a contest
Just got a Tweet from BenSpark who’re running a contest with some T-shirts to give away. I was singled out
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We’re almost there! Hyder and I have been working on a massively exciting theme for WordPress which will be unveiled
Continue readingLosing weight is a game
You might have read in my previous blog posts that I’m currently on a mission to lose some weight, keeping
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So, I’ve been using PicApp for a couple of weeks now to supply my blog with photos from their massive
Continue readingComputer Joke of the Day: Classic Hack
Here is a story about one of the classic computer hacks. Back in the mid-1970s, several of the system support
Continue readingSix degrees separated from Mugabe: I don’t think so
Sherrilynne pointed me at an interesting post today which talks about a report Microsoft issued where they claim that their
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