Talk Tech on Third Thursday – September 2017

Now the school holidays are over, everyone’s back at work and there’s nothing like a catch up over lunch with friends to share the latest tech news, talk about new projects and explore what’s happening in the world of technology. Yes, it’s Third Thursday again, our regular meet up for technology enthusiasts, developers, engineers and anyone else who wants to join. We had a great meet up last month, with multiple conversations around the table, lots of new faces and hopefully we’ll keep up the momentum this week.

If you’ve never joined us, you’re welcome to; it’s an open table. Everyone buys their own food, and we’re happy to talk about most topics, as long as there’s a technology angle. So whether you want to talk information security, cryptocurrency, machine learning, or even who has the best phone, then come and grab lunch with us. There’s nothing better than a bite to eat in like-minded company.

As usual, we’re meeting at Bar George between 12:30 and 14:00. Join us, and feel free to bring a friend. See you Thursday 21st September.

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