I never took the opportunity to write down my thoughts following Simon Collister‘s presentation on eDemocracy in the Isle of Man last month. It was a great talk and sparked more than a little debate within the participants. I think it was a very positive step that a number of people within the local Government managed to attend the presentation as really they are the prime recipients for these thoughts.
Simon’s talk was split into 3 section, talking about current views from accademia, some pointers from Obama’s recent campaign and some personal thoughts on eDemocracy. Rather than repeat his material, you can actually watch it here:
It’s interesting to see technology being such a major enabler of the way we live and the way the country is run. Not having an Internet connection is no longer an excuse, with technologies like ADSL and mobile satellite everyone in the country has the option of being online. The question, I suppose, is whether you consider Internet access the Fourth Utility.
(Oh, and a massive thanks to @sherrilynne for organising the event.)

…hmm, was wondering if there were any eDemocracy happenings in IOM. Seems like a good candidate for ePetitions, fan of Douglas BTW.
Hey Owen. Good to meet you in person – finally!
Glad you enjoyed the presentation and questions/debates. I plan to get more stuff up on slideshare as well so keep an eye out.