I’ve neglected this blog for a few days, which is unusual, due to a number of other projects and bits I’ve been involved in, but it’s time for a HoneyPot from all the links I’ve saved up for you. Here we go:
- Let me Google that for you: Love this site. Excellent way to get a message across
- How to hack your Kindle: Great tip if you want to read a variety of media on your Amazon Kindle
- Four fatal flaws of strategic planning: For all the management types out there
- Barcode Art: Try passing that through your barcode scanner
- Debunking six social media myths: Don’t believe everything you read
- Todocast.tv: If you’re looking for live video casting solutions
- Where’s my free plastic bag: My rant on paying for plastic bags
- Open letter to the would-be CEO blogger: Actually some good advice that most bloggers can learn from
- The funny side of Twitter: Are we all ego maniacs waiting for the bubble to burst?
- The sorry state of music startups: A sector that needs some serious soul searching
Enjoy the linkage