Websites for a 2 year old

Girl standing on stack of books

I’ve been really impressed with the way Arthur, our 2-year old has taken to using a computer. His favourite two websites are:

  • Sesame Street – well, everyone knows Sesame Street, but they have a number of Flash pages to teach kids evereything from potty training to reading
  • Starfall – a collection of Flash pages to help with spelling, letters and phonetics

Both sites have a wealth of things to do, and I was pretty impressed to watch Arthur navigate around and choose what he wanted to do. Well done, lad!

It’s great when you think about how many different types of websites there are. I would have to ty and categorise them in a directory. Sites like the kids sites above are probably quite easy to categories, what what about something like funny t-shirts? Would you put that under clothing or humor?

Children with arms raised in classroom


  1. Only few kids now don’t know how to use computer..For sure many bill gates will be coming on the next century 🙂

  2. My two year old sister (girl) really likes She is only aloud on the comouter an hour a day so she just likes to go o9n the website she knows she likes. I look up websites to test which means I go on and play a few of the games so that I know it is fit for a little girl. She also likes and NickJr She is very happy with going on NickJr and Dora. But her favorite it

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