Isle of Man Online Services – Here comes tax

The project I’m working for here in the Isle of Man has moved forward to a new phase and we are getting ready to roll our services for businesses to do online tax filings (see Press Release). It’s a culmination of quite a few activities across government, including providing the infrastructure to enable this and working with departments to drive change in their processes, and so it’s great that we are finally able to go out to the public announcing what we’re doing.

This is just one of the initial steps of what we have in the pipeline. Now that we have a good piece of the infrastructure in place, it’s time to start approaching other departments in search of better and more effective ways to allow citizens and business to transact with the Manx government. The project always has it’s challenges, but as long as we can continue to demontrate that we are bringing long-term benefits to the table, I’m sure we’re going to have a huge pile of work to do!

One comment

  1. Tell me about it~!

    I got enuff P45 P60 P14S and all that to cause me a heart attack when I saw the latest thing I gotta file for the CIS!

    Ouch! Watch out for the TaxMan

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