Five things about me

Woke up this morning to find that Sherrilynne had tagged me with one of the recent memes floating around the web. And now I have to come up with a list of 5 things you probably don’t know about me. Hmm .. let’s get started:

  • My parents wanted to avoid calling me John as this was a pretty common name in our family; so they settled for something a bit more unconventional and called me Owen. Turns out that Owen is really an Irish derivation of the name John
  • I play piano (or pretty much anything with a keyboard anyway). I’ve done all my grades and am actually an Associate of the Trinity College of London. I had sort of abandoned this, until my wife bought me a keyboard for my last birthday.
  • I love learning and discovering stuff. I’m the only person I know who would intentionally overdraw his current account, just to see how his bank’s business processes deal with that sort of event, how long they take etc. Will they phone me? Send me a letter? Charge me?
  • I’m spending less time on my PC every day, and spending more time playing with Arthur. He’s getting smarter every day. He’s 10 months old, and he can understand and respond to things like “Clap your hands” and “Touch mummy’s nose” without any visual cues. Oh, and he’s also learnt how do climb down stairs now!
  • My first car was a Ford Fiesta (2nd hand ex-rental). It had a home-made rev counter (DIY circuit housed in a cassette tape box) and a bumper sticker reading “Don’t laugh, your daughter may be in here” 🙂

And in the fashion of these things, here’s 5 people I’m tagging to carry on the meme. Let’s hear from: Andy James, Dan Rua, Pete Wright, Colleen Caldwell and Mark Wilson

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