Excellent article by Alexander Kjerulf about why being happy at work matters for businesses. He has a very engaging writing style, combining real-life examples and fluent thoughts. He states that “happy people will give a business many advantages:
- Higher productivity – happy people achieve better results
- Higher quality – because happy employees care about quality
- Lower absenteeism – people actually want to go to work
- Less stress and burnout – happy people are less prone to stress
- Attract and retain the best people – people want to work for you
- Higher sales – happy people are the best sales people
- Higher customer satisfaction – happy employees are the best basis for good service
- More creativity and innovation – happy people are more creative
- More adaptibility – happy people are much more adaptive and open to change
- Better stock performance – for all of the above reasons
- Higher profits – for all of the above reasons”
and finishes off with a prediction that in the future “all companies will be happy companies” because happy companies will beat unhappy companies in terms of profitability and efficiency. It’s a good read, check it out!
Positive Sharing – Why being happy at work matters for businesses