Will I make it to Singularity University?

A couple of months ago, I noticed that that the DED in conjunction with PokerStars were running something called The Isle of Man Grand Challenge. They were looking for two inspired individuals to take up the challenge of facilitating the development of advancing technologies and applying them to address one or more of humanity’s grand challenges, who would be sent on a week long Executive Programme at Singularity University.

This sounded like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I put my name down for the challenge. I can be pretty versatile when required and I’m sure my background and entrepreneurial traits could be quite valuable if put to the right use. Not wanting to work myself up into a frenzy of anticipation, I put the whole thing to the back of my mind and got on with life…

A few days ago I got word that I have made the short-list for the award. I was tremendously excited to hear this, my mind racing at the possibilities; I really hope I do well in my interview!

Just to give you an idea, here’s what the week would look like:

That looks really intense, but a massive opportunity to learn new ideas, meet exciting people and really catch up with what’s going on at the forefront of innovation! I’ll keep you posted on how it goes on!

You can read more about the Isle of Man Grand Challenge.

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