It’s just amazing how quickly these Third Thursdays come around, isn’t it? Well, another one is upon us, so I thought I’d post about it to make sure it’s in everyone’s calendar.
For the uninitiated, the Third Thursday of every month is when the Social Media Club meets. We’re a group of like-minded friends with a passion for Social Media, who like to meet up once a month to discuss developments in the social media world, emerging websites and trends and the latest and greatest technology developments. Anyone can join us, so feel free to come along, bring a friends and join the conversation. We’re happy to chat about anything, your doubts and fears regarding social media, new experiences and even successes you want to celebrate.
We meet over a bit to eat at Paparazzi Restaurant in Douglas at 12:30, so mark the 18th October in your diary and come and join us. Everyone is welcome.