It’s Third Thursday this week and as every month, we’re meeting up for lunch. Yes, it’s Social Media Club, a gathering of people interested in Twitter, Facebook, Blogging and whatever new social networks are getting on the scene. Some of us use Social Media in their work life, some in the personal life, but we all share a passion for the medium and have met and made friends with others online. Social Media Club lunch is an opportunity to meet up with people you’re met online, a place you can come and share ideas and find new things to learn.
So come and join us at Paparazzi on Thursday 19th May at 12:30. It’s an open event, anyone can come along and feel free to bring a friend too. The great thing about Paparazzi is that they can accommodate any number of people who come. Don’t worry if you don’t know anyone; we’re a friendly bunch.
Who’s coming to join us for a pizza?