It’s interesting how some people prefer the comfort of an environment or interface they’re comfortable with. It applies to your old slippers, your favourite spot, and yes, even the menus on that application you’ve been using for years. A lot has been said about the new ribbon interface on the newer version of Microsoft Office, and the truth is, well, not everyone likes it. Well, if this is the case and you’re using Visio 2010, there’s an option for you.
Classic Menu for Visio 2010 lets you retain your old menus in the new version of Microsoft Visio. Instead of having to learn where everything is, you can now install it on your computer, and voila you’re back to the interface you know and love. This might also be interesting to you if you’re a new user. You now can learn how to use visio 2010 the old way!
It’s a great testament to the Internet that a company can find enough used to justify creating a product like this. It feels like a shortcoming to let people operating in the old way, but if that’s what you’re used to, that’s really what works best for you. So go ahead, give it a real try!