It’s that time of the month again, yes, Third Thursday is here and it’s time for the Isle of Man Social Media Club to get together to catch up. In case you’ve never come before, this is an informal gathering for people interested in Social Media. If you’re have a passing interest in Social Media, if you make a living from Social Networks, if you’re interested in learning how you could apply it in your daily work or personal life; please come and join us, meet some other enthusiasts and share your stories. It’s an opportunity to share any lessons learnt, hear about new technologies and pick up new hints and tips to try online.
We tend to talk about Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, FourSquare, Buzz and whatever new networks are on the horizon. It’s at our usual venue: Paparazzi at 12:30 on Thursday 15th July. Come along … and bring a friend.

Unfortunately I can’t make it *again* since I’ll be at the Southern 100. Maybe next month!