Can grooming help your career?

Did you know that your appearance can have a drastic effect on your career? Well, Gillette recently commissioned a survey of 500 Human Resources professionals (using Harris Interactive to perform the study) to find out how a person’s grooming affects their interviews and career prospects. You can read all about it on the Gillette Career Advantage website where you can find some really interesting facts.

Did you know for example that when it comes to making a good first-impressing at an interview, 90% of professionals believe that being well-groomed is important? Well, that’s a bit obvious your might think, but one thing I didn’t know is that male HR professionals are 75% more likely than females to consider facial stubble a red flag when meeting a job candidate. The bottom line is that 84% of HR professionals agree that well-groomed employees climb the corporate ladder faster than those who are not well groomed.

Interesting facts and figures aren’t they? Anyway, you can read about this and more down at the Gillette Resource Center where you can find the complete survey as well as a number of instructional videos on how to maximise your grooming (including the “How to shave your head” instructional video which you can see below and more)


One comment

  1. I think girls are more aware of the importance of appearance and looks, if you ask me the reason of this awareness I believe this is because girls understand more –by experience, mainly yet not exclusively- how the way you look can draw men’s attention or not. I had a hard time making a male friend understand that even though it may seem unfair, sometimes, the only way we have to make a judgment about someone is by the way they look.

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