Next Thursday is the Third Thursday of the month and for a group of us that means a Social Media Club. It’s normally organised by Sherrilynne from Strive, but she’s on holiday at the moment, so she asked me and @DerekRichardson to set it up.
So, what’s Social Media Club all about? Well, it’s a gathering for people interested in Social Media. You may have just been introduced to Facebook; or you could have a thousand followers on Twitter; or maybe you want to find out what blogging is and whether your company should be doing it. Social Media Club is an avenue to meet people with a common interest, share experiences and discuss the latest and greatest happenings in the Web 2.0 world.
Sol, come and join us for lunch at Paparazzi in Douglas this Thursday 17th September and find out what’s happening in the Manx Social Media sphere.
Update: Lunch between 12:30 and 14:00

What time is lunch? My definition runs at anything between 11am and 3pm depending on what time I got up 🙂
Good point Dylan .. Lunch is 12:30. Think you can join us?