Well, I’ve had my Buffalo LinkStation for a few days now and it certainly does what it says on the tin. I copied all my media across, backed up all my stuff and now I know they’re all safe. The problem is, now that I know they’re safe, there’s not much more I can do with it 😉
I guess if there’s one device in your network that you WANT to be boring and uneventful, that’s your backup storage. There are lots of exciting devices about, multifunction devices, routers for mobile satellite, even programmable remote controllers; but there’s now way you can call your storage device fun. I mean, this thing has 2 RAIDed terabyte drives, cool power-saving features; but that’s about as sexy as it gets. Well, I have a new toy on order .. but more about that when it arrives 😉
So, if you’re looking for a NAS device, check out the Buffalo 2.0TB LinkStation Pro Duo Network Attached Shared Storage.

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