Give us a vote: Send us to Tuscany

I’ve just entered a competition by FuelMyBlog who are working with to send a couple on a great holiday to Tuscany. Rules are simple, the person with the most votes wins, so check out our entry below and go ahead and vote for us!

click here to vote for me and my thumbs

click here to vote for me and my thumbs

All you have to do is click on the picture to go to the competition website, find our photo and give us your vote. Easy peasy .. so go on, what are you waiting for?

(The competition is only running for a few days, till Sunday 12th, so please tell everyone you know to pop by and give us a vote)

p.s. If clicking on the photo doesn’t take your the Gallery to vote, just go to the bottom of the page and click “Gallery”. You’ll have to find our photo (seen above) in the Gallery and vote for us! We’re not that hard to find!


  1. I voted for you yesterday and went back to vote for you today, but it looks like you can only vote once every 24 hours. So if I voted for you at 11pm yesterday, I would have to wait till 11pm to vote for you today. (I believe everyone is allowed 3 votes in this contest, that’s why I went back. If I’m wrong, then I apologize for misreading the rules yesterday.)

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