Giving a new meaning to search

Image representing Wolfram Alpha as depicted i...
Image via CrunchBase

It was interesting to read about a new type of search engine which will be hitting the Net towards the end of this month. It’s called Wolfram Alpha and promises to change the way we gather information online. Currently, if you search the Web for “where can I buy Polaris RZR accessories?” for example; you’ll get a list of websites that may or may not give you an answer, may contain reviews, products and an assortment of different results. Wolfram Alpha does something different. Instead of pointing you at websites with an answer, it will try to answer the question for you.

So, for example, if I ask the question What is the population of London? Wolfram Alpha will give me a direct answer. Google, on the other hand, gives me links to websites that contain the answer. Will it change the way we use the Web? Time will tell. One thing is for sure; the SEO world is going to have a fun time trying to break their model in the same way they try to influence traditional search engines.

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