I’ve wanted one of these gadgets for ages, but never really got round to buying one. Yup, it’s a labelling machine and will let you put labels on everything you want!
I came across one today which lets you print a variety of labels in different colours. It’s a Brother one and print labels in 6 type sizes, 9 type styles and 1 font – all you have to do is type in your text and print. At the touch of a button, you can also add the time and date to your label, with a choice of 8 different formats. This label printer also give you the option of selecting from 71 symbols to display creativity on the label, and includes 5 auto formats and 5 framing options. Along with its easy-to-view, 12-character LCD display and easy-to-use typewriter style keyboard, it features raised keys for more accurate input. It also prints 1 to 2 lines of crisp text, and can add text framing and underlining.
The Brother PT-80 Thermal Label Printer normally sells for around $50 but this week it’s currently available on sale at Buy.com retailing for just $7.99! Note that tape cartridges are around $10 each.
I always wanted one of these when I was at school, so I could label my books, stationary and other stuff, but it was always out of my reach. Now I’m older and wiser, and although I could afford one of them, I can’t really justify it. Maybe I should get one to label Arthur‘s things 😉

Hi Owen! Been a while since my last visit, and just looking around. Saw this and just had to say “warning… don’t let your husband buy one of these!” LOL! Mine has one and omg, the “labels” just keep getting longer and longer LOL! Hey, at least its keeping him off the streets, though not out of trouble 🙂