TwitBacks: Get your Twitter Backgrounds for free

I’ve just got myself a cool Twitter background to match the festive season. I made it in a couple of minutes courtesy of Twitbacks, a free service that lets you create free Twitter backgrounds just by filling in a form and submitting a photo or two if you feel inclined (you don’t actually have to).

I didn’t quite have a photo to put in, so my background is a bit bare. I was going to put one of an internet satellite, but I’m currently running out of bandwidth so I didn’t think that was appropriate.I could have put a photo, but there’s already my profile one showing on Twitter, so I really needed something different.

The great thing is that Twitbacks remembers your setting, so it’s pretty easy to pop in and amend the screen. So if you’re into Twitter, check it out and don’t forget to follow me


  1. Hey that is cool! We are following you now, we just got on twitter and few days ago! Oh btw, we need your address for out Christmas card exchange. You can email it to jcfloresinc (at) g mail (dot) com! Thanks.
    Your FL furiends,

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