I just had to steal this off Blog-a-holic’s post becuase it’s just awesome!
“Oughta Know Inbound Marketingâ€
By HubSpot’s Rebecca Corliss
If I make one more call
I might go punch a wall.
No one understands
That this doesn’t work.
They hang up cause I’m a creep.
The mail I send they don’t read.
They always find a way to
Ignore me.
I’m interrupting their lives
So they threaten me with knives.
I didn’t think that marketing was like torture.
Cause the calls, direct mail
TV ads, they all fail.
And they aren’t getting me anywhere. They don’t work.
And every time I try to sell
‘Didja know that I’m told I should go to hell?
Then I cry. Then I cry.
And you wonder why.
I want leads
To come to me.
Fix our SEO
Get some inbound links.
Let’s get blogging.
Why don’t we just use inbound marketing?
You. You. You. Oughta know.
Get my page rank up.
Tag my content.
Fix my landing page.
Let them come to me.
Now I can blog I can tweet
Publish things you will read.
Won’t have to bug you in the middle of dinner.
Google me organically
Search results one two and three.
You need my products? Uh huh. Yeah you’ll find me.
Cause the calls, direct mail
TV ads, they all failed.
And they weren’t getting me anywhere. They don’t work.
And every time I tried to sell
‘Didja know I was told I should go to hell.
Then I cried. Then I cried.
And you wondered why.
Now my leads
They come to me
Fixed our SEO
Got some inbound links
Now we’re blogging
Thank god now we use inbound marketing.
You. You. You. Oughta know.

That is too funny and sooooooooooooo true – great post even if someone else posted it first, it added one of my healthy laughs for today… 🙂
That’s funny! I have a great laugh, promise! LOL..
Though it was funny, the content of the lyrics is so right. Marketing is like a torture..
I have a great laugh, promise! 🙂
The lady seem to be good in singing and in acting.. LOL
Anyway, though the video seem to be funny, the content of the lyrics is so right. Marketing is really like a torture..
Ha! Great one Owen.
That was way cool!! And so true!! Thanks for sharing that with us!! Mom was laughing like crazy!
Your FL furiends,
OMG! Some people are soooooooo creative! I loved it and am tweeting it 🙂
That was toooo funny!
Cold calls no more… http://tinyurl.com/5axcrp
I’ll take the serious approach to replying LOL! SEO is so darn important, linking and building relationships… so important! Do NOT call me out of the blue, I did NOT sign up to hear about your opp – buying those lists and thinking they are real drives me crazy!! Anyway, great post (with a typo “becuase it’s just awesome!” versus “because” – sorry 28 years of the editor in me LOL!).
Too funny, and too true! Much easier to get your leads to come to you LOL!
Excellent video even in my market I see that the traditional methods for marketing are falling short to the online exposure. Thanks again for a great video and happy holidays.
Well done and so funny! And she’s right on the mark too. Now this song is stuck in my head 🙂