We’ve been recycling for a pretty long time; but it’s always been a bit of a hassle keeping boxes of papers, cans and bottles all around the house, then taking a massive box (which has usually got too heavy) down to the recycling station.
Well, this week we’ve just received out boxes for kerbside recycling and will have our collection next week. I must say, I have been looking forward to them as it means we can recycle more (we didn’t used to do cat food cans etc before) and it gets collected right from our house.
There are lots of things we can recycle, but some things we cannot. For example, we can only do plastic bottles, not other types of plastic, and nothing exotic, like used cds or clothes and shoes; but it’s a step in the right direction and I’m totally for it.
Does your household recycle? What do you collect?

We currently live in an apartment, and there are no recycling options available to us. In our county, you can sign up for curbside recycling, they there is a fee.
Its awesome that you get those boxes. We only get huge plastic bags which are incredibly unpractical. We have two bins and one of those plastic bags, 1 bin for household leftovers, 1 for paper and the bag for plastics. We have room for 140 litre paper a month, and 280 litre household each week, and plastic is about 140 litre per month. I wish they collected paper more often, we have most of that.
We have a pretty good recycling system here in the UK. We have boxes to recycle tins and Glass and another box for paper. Then we have wheelie bins for cardboard and plastic and also garden waste. I also compost as much vegetable waste as posible for use in the Garden.
What a great service for you! I can’t imagine too many people take their recycling into a station, as that seems like such a hassle.
We have three containers that we keep in our garage and the truck comes around once a week. Newspapers, magazines, political junk mail (LOL), glass bottles, soda cans, and plastic containers.
If we have any type of large metal items we just put them out on the curb on our trash day and there is always a group of guys that come around and pick things up to make money at the large recycling center.
I live in an apartment so we don’t have recycling, but when I’m at work we do. We have paper recycling, and recycling in the break room for soda cans.
We don’t recycle and we should. We don’t have kerbside recycling like we would have in Cincinnati but the recycling center is about 20 minutes from our house. I just find that I don’t have the room for a “recycling section” for my house. I think it’s just laziness. I could find room if I worked at. Great job!
We used to take our recycling to bins in major parking lots, what a pain! Now we have curbside recycling. We do newspaper, cardboard or any kind, plastic (only certain numbers like milk containers, cleaning products containers, etc) and cans. No glass of any kind. We’re lazy now and don’t recycle the glass. It’s a shame, but now maybe I’ll do it again due to your post.
We have been recycling on and off for a short time now, just received our kerbside collection bins. They are helpful, but things like plastics are very bulky and difficult to reduce in size unlike cans, hence the bins fill up quite quickly.
I recycle everything I possibly can although in our area the waste management company doesn’t do any. So I take egg cartons, paper and plastic bags back to the store (they collect those in bins next to the entrance), paper, other cartons cans and plastic to recycling center etc.
Unfortunately, I’m still piling-up the used batteries, trying to find the place to take them. I found out online that all the Target stores have recycling bins for used batteries. But – funny thing – our local one doesn’t… ๐
And of course I compost everything that belongs to the compost pile.
We still have to take our stuff for recycling to the bins at Tesco, our local council don’t seem to provide recycling bins…good that you get those boxes.
Only a few people I have seen with recycling boxes in my area.
it’s awesome that you recycle. we don’t. i know we should; we just haven’t started to yet. maybe we’ll move that way in teh future.
Back home in Britain we recycle. Over here in Kazakhstan, there is absolutely nothing, not even if you were prepared to drive around looking for a bottle bank etc. It is frustrating, and when we first moved over, it felt so wasteful to just throw it all out in the general refuse.
Never mind, just another 8.5 days and we’ll be back in the UK again for six months ๐
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I always try to reduce, reuse or recycle. We are not fortunate enough to have curbside service yet. I have lived in place where it is available.
We have the bins and they pick up at the curb once a week! Makes it easier to recycle!!
Your FL furiends,
I’m amazed at the comments saying how good recycling is in the UK – in my experience it’s pretty shoddy. The trouble is that there is a complete lack of joined up thinking and each council is doing its own thing.
I live near Milton Keynes and here we have kerbside recycling for glass, paper, cans, foil and plastic bottles but not tetrapaks, aerosols, CDs or the plastics used for yoghurt pots, margarine tubs, etc. – all of which are recycled by some other authorities. When I visit family and friends they can recycle different things, depending on where they live and the answer from the council is always that “there’s no a market” for whatever it is they don’t take (strange that there is a market just a few miles up the road in the next county…
I can see that the logistics on the Isle of Man may make things more difficult but mainland Britain needs to think a bit harder about how to make recycling work on a national level.
In our house we also compost all of our uncooked food scraps and shredded confidential papers (for re-use in the garden). Once I can convince my wife that the children won’t bring the worms inside we’ll have a wormery too for the cooked food waste (it annoys me that we throw so much away but I can’t force-feed toddlers and one meal they’ll eat the lot but another time they’ll just push it around the plate!).
All of this has really reduced the amount that we send to landfill (typically one black sack a week for a family of four – and that includes the disposable nappies from my youngest son).
Lucky for us we’ve been recycling as part of the Las Vegas project for the past 5 years. This is the first town/city we’ve lived in that does so. They take newspaper (paper of all kinds), cans, glass. If our yard wasn’t so small, I’d actual compost, too, but… it’s buggy enough LOL!
We’ve been recycling here for some time now. It’s mandatory in the town I live in. We don’t have containers like yours above, which I think would be helpful. We use a small garbage can in the house and when it’s full we transfer that to a full size garbage can that we keep outside and pull to the curb every week on recycling day. We recycle newspaper, cardboard, cans, glass and plastic.