And I’ve realised I forgot my normal honey-post this weekend. It wouldn’t be so bad, except my bookmark thingy is full and I need to offload some linky goodness to keep everyone distracted. So, without further ado, here’s some honey for everyone:
- CSS Mojo: Some great CSS techniques to make elements on your page stand out.
- How to handle “IHateYourCompany.com”: Interesting article on WSJ about how to deal with “Gripe sites”
- The 5 most terrifying rites of manhood in the world: Makes you glad you were born in the Western World
- Smugopedia: A collection of interesting stuff
- BBC News What’s Popular: Here’s a great way to read the news. Read what other people find interesting.
- Win a 2Gb MP3 player: Complete with voice recorder and thumb drive. Great competition running till the 6th October.
- Mr Bounce: Because every honeypost needs a game
- Tweetwheel: Find out which of your Twitter friends know each other
- MoreCSS: Hyder assures me this is cool. Looks like fun, but I’m not really much of a CSS man
- Interfacelift Wallpaper: Some great free high resolution backgrounds for your computer
Hope you enjoyed today’s honeypost, it’s a bit less techie than usual, but still fun. Have you come across anything interesting recently? I don’t mean and Japanese proverbs or diet pill reviews; but something that you’ll bookmark and share with your friends. Just send them in!

Thanks for the plug for my contest. I hope you entered! Good luck!
Thanks for those CSS links. I’m always looking for more to add to my collection.
thanks for the wallpaper link. I’m a wallpaper fanatic! The thing with the internet is that there’s so many great site, I bookmark so many that now i can’t find the really really good ones.
what bright yellow on that flower. I bet the bee’s love it. Thanks for sharing the pretty picture.
Great hodge podge of links! I like the mixture – thanks a lot!
LOVE the wallpaper site, thanks. I’ve yet to check how their different resolutions are produced (correctly cropped & carefully resized to maintain original detail level, or simply squashed in one direction, when aspect ratios change), but the images look great so far.
Yup, I entered. You actually had to chase me because my initial comment didn’t say I left a question. Great competition btw