Well, they’ve all had facelifts this week, and they’re all looking better than they did ever before. I’m sure there have been other things that have been improved this week, but these are three that I have high visibility for me. So, let’s see what’s new:
- Zemanta looks a lot spiffier now and also boasts a host of new features including:
- Twitter has had a style overhaul and looks a bit more modern. It’s a bit more Ajaxy and the tabs have moved to the side making it (in my opinion) a tiny bit easier on the eye. You also have more options to customise the way your page looks.
- Scoutle v2.0 is online with a completely redesigned user interface. I found it easier to look up stuff with it this way but need to play with it more.
Do you know any other websites/products that have been revamped this week?

I really like the new Scoutle. It looks very promising and it’s actually how I found you. 🙂
Look forward to playing around with it some more. I’m also hoping for some updated widgets and the ability to ban certain sites from your stage (I get a lot of atheist/anti-theists sites. I’m an atheist myself, but I dislike the negativity of these bloggers).
I see you have Entrecard installed… They didn’t redesign, but this week they did come out with a new list of rules and requirements for Entrecards. I only saw it on some blogs… It should be somewhere on their site or blog too.
I hadn’t heard of the other two, but I did see the changes at Twitter this week. I liked the changes!