- ‘Hello World!’ 17 errors, 31 warnings
- It compiled? The first screen came up? Ship it! (Bill Gates)
- 1024x768x256 Sounds like one mean woman
- 2B OR NOT 2B = FF
- A bad day: ‘Transfer completed (5720468 bytes, 1 CPS)’
- Apathy Error: Don’t bother striking any key.
- Bad or Missing Sysop. Free files in all areas.
- Best 3D game? DOOK. I mean DUME.
- Canadian DOS: ‘Yer sure, eh? [Y,n]’
- CAUTION! Do not look into laser with remaining eye.
- Coming soon: Doom III – What The Hell?
- Daddy, what does FORMATTING DRIVE C: COMPLETE mean?
- Earth is shutting down in five minutes – please save all files and log out
- Error 109: Error 108
- ERROR! Windows found! Formatting Drive C:!
- Ever noticed how fast Windows run? Me neither
- Evolution is God’s way of issuing upgrades
- File not found. Nobody leave the room!
- Have a nice day – unless you’ve made other plans
- Honey, I Formatted The Kid!
- I t#ld yo#, ‘Never#touch #he flop#y disk s#rface!’
- I wish life had a scroll-back buffer
- Insert disk 5 of 4 and press any key to continue
- Insert Mouse into drive A: and press any key
- JESUS SAVES; the rest of us better make backups.
- Life’s too short to use a slow modem
- LSD: The ULTIMATE in Virtual Reality
- Error: Floppy not responding. Format drive C: instead [Y/N]?
- MafiaDOS: ‘Thisa you lasta chance [Y/N]’?
- Moderator not found. Begin flame war [Y,n]?
- MOUSE.DRV not found, use RAT.DRV instead?
- On a hacker’s tombstone: CONNECT 1964 – NO CARRIER 1994
- Only XT users know that January 1, 1980 was a Tuesday.
- Out of paper on drive D:
- Press ESC to enter or Enter to escape
- Real_men_don’t_need_spacebars.
- REALITY.SYS corrupted. Reboot UNIVERSE [Y,n] ?
- Southern DOS: Y’all Reckon? (Yep/Nope)
- The Earth is 98% full. Please delete anyone you can.
- The Ultimate Virus: A self installing copy of ‘Win95’.
- The world is coming to an end-please log off.
- There is a bomb on the premises. Please PANIC immediately.
- This copy of planet Earth has been unregistered for 4 billion years
- Track 0 bad?? Don’t worry, there’s lots of others
- Troubleshooting Shortcut #1: Shoot the trouble!
- Unknown Error on Unknown Device for Unexplainable Reason
- User Failure: Please Insert a Bootable Brain.
- Welcome to Hell! Here’s your copy of WINDOWS
- Will Write Login Scripts For Food
- Windows 6345634.45a: please insert disk 95 of 5645
- Windows 8783837773.2c! We finally got it right. (Bill Gates)
- Windows: the $89 solution to your excess speed problem
- WindowsError:010 Reserved for future mistakes
- WindowsError:042 This virus requires Microsoft Windows.
- Your brain doesn’t have enough memory, please make a boot disk
- Machines should work. People should think.
