Great news from our friends down at Joost, they’re preparing to go live with the service over the next few months. Apparently Niklas Zennström? has? taken the funds from the recent sale of Skype to eBay and ploughed these into the developing the technology and partners necessary to get Joost in to the mainstream.
Personally I love what Joost are doing. The experience is pretty good and the software nice and easy to use. My friend Rory is actually taking it one step further and is building himself a Joost set-top box. How cool is that?
In the meantime, Joost now has around a million testers and are rolling out the Friends Edition 0.10.9. If you want an invitation, just drop me a comment.
It looks like a great service, I’ve heard mixed reviews. I’ll have to try it out for myself though.
Cool, could you drop me an invitation for the beta? piotr (at ) Thanks