Small businesses have a lot to gain from pulling together a good trade show. However, all too often, small businesses are the ones who do most badly, and it’s usually a problem of image, how they are percieved by others. I’ve seen way too many stalls at trade shows that looks rubbish, and when they’re located right next to someone who has a great image; well, people just walk by. Better find someone who makes trade show displays and get them to design and build a proper display for you.
It’s a fact of life that perception can very much make or break the fortunes of a company. Nestle’s recall of baby milk may have been unnecessary, however the damage to their image had been done. Tomy has a pretty bad track record when it comes to recalling products. One might look at these instances as a company taking responsibilities for it’s action, but what sticks in people’s minds is the potential danger they could have been exposed to. Morale of the story. Don’t fix a problem like this, make sure it doesn’t happen.