When blogging turns ugly

There’s a nasty side to some bloggers that has sent ripples through the blogosphere. Kathy Sierra, whose blog is one of my first stops in the Internet when I want to read something enlightening, has been the subject of a vicious stalker who has been posting death threats on her blog and on other blogs. The posts are horrible depicting all sorts of violence the poster wanted inflicted on Kathy, including sexual attacks, threats of mutilation, hanging. She outlines these in her plea for help, where you can plainly see how upset she is; and not without reason too!

Kathy .. we’re all behind you! So hang in there, don’t let these cowards get you down. You’ve done the right thing by notifying the police, let’s hope the perpetrator can be brought to justice.


  1. I’ve just been so disturbed since reading this yesterday. I can only imagine her fear. Being a woman I think it’s 10 times worse. I feel so awful for her.

  2. That’s a really a bummer. Everything good thing that has ever existed has been ruined and twisted by someone. I hope everything works out for her.

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