Becoming a US citizen?

There was a time when I was trying to get some work in the US and had actually gone as far as to get an H1b Visa. I never actually made it there, but if I had one thing I would have been looking at was how to Apply for US Citizenship Online. It is possible to stay in the US legally without getting citizenship, but there are a number of advantages in doing this; from the site to vote and apply for benefits all the way to protection from anti-immigration legislation.

Anti-immigration is a movement that is gathering force in the US, fueled by fears of job losses due to an increase influx of migrants from Mexico and Central America. If you live in the US and haven’t been naturalised, this movement can jeopardise your status there, and if things go wrong, you could end up kicked out of the country. This could be a major problem if you’re settled, have family and have a sense of stability. It’s important to realise that this sense of stability is just an illusion and without citizenship you have very little legal rights to be in the country.

There’s some food for thought, so if you are currently a permanent resident in the US, but haven’t got your citizenship status sorted out yet, check out USCitizenship.Info

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