I’ve been looking around different websites to get some ideas which I can incorporate in mine and to see how different organisations projet themselves online. One of the website I came across was Luftman & Heck, a law firm based in Columbus, Ohio. I’ll probably never meet any of the people involved in building the website or any of the lawyers and attorneys who work there; so I’m probably safe to critique the website.
The website is pretty informative but the navigation wasn’t immediately apparent. The main navigation is over the top, then each section has sub-navigation using a side-menu (which is different on each page). A more consistent scheme would be helpful. The website uses Flash for a couple of sections which blends quite nicely into the rest of the site. I’m not usually a fan of Flash, but this is done tastefully nd maybe I should use this technique more often on my sites.
The law firm must be quite large, as they do offer a wide range of services, from Estate Planning to Criminal Defense, from Traffic Offences to Bancrupcy Law. So it can’t be too easy to incorporate all this in one site. But the esperience is consistent, and I think the site hangs together really nicely.