I got a couple of emails from Joost yesterday. Two to be exact. The first one was acknowledging the bug I found while running on Vista, together with a promise that it will be fixed in the next version.
The other one was that I now have a couple of invitations available. I’ll be giving these to the first 2 people who comment on this post (if they want them it is), So tell me, do you want a Joost invitation?
I’m a sucker for a freebie 🙂
Please, please, please could I have one of your invitations for joost.
Wow, that was quick! Unfortunately I only have 2 invitations, so James and Andrew will be getting them. Still, I’m sure they will be sending more our in the future; so if you’re still interested, just leave a comment on this post!
Me too, if possible 🙂
Thanks Owen – much appreciated!
*is interested*
When possible if I could get an invite it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the offer, if you get any more I’d love to get an invite
hello! i chanced upon this site.. i guess i’m too late 🙁 but if there are anymore joost invites to go round.. please do send one this way!
Damn, I am always a bit too late for everything, but yeah, if you get some more…
yehh me too thanx
I would be your humble slave for all eternity. =)
Awww, I’m too late. Count me on on the next round, please!
me too, if possible
Please can I have one?
i REALLY want an invite!!!!!!
I would really appreciate an invite when the next batch is released. I figure if i spend most of my day working on a computer, i might as well enjoy some tube time on it as well.
Thanks in advance!