Feedburner feed adjusted

Now that the new blog is up and running, I’ve adjusted the RSS feed to be identical to the old blog. The only way I could have managed to do this is because I’m using the most excellent FeedBurner to serve my feeds. FeedBurner is a website that contains an excellent collection of tools for blog owners. It’s got more than 500,000 feeds being burnt through it and includes tools to Publicize, Optimize, Analyze and even Moneyitize (sic) your feed.

If you have a blog, make sure you check out FeedBurner

So, what’s the best way to start using FeedBurner on WordPress. There’s a couple of plugins around, but I’m using the FD Feedburner Plugin. I tried one of the others, but it didn’t work properly (things seem to be harder on Windows hosting as most plugins assume you have a .htaccess file). Recommended.


  1. Hey Owen,

    Thanks for utilizing our tools! We’re thrilled to be in a position to help publishers just like yourself. If there’s anything we can help on in the future, don’t hesitate to give a shout!

    Jake Parrillo
    Publisher Services

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