The EntreDroppers plugin give you the ability to show the last few people who dropped their Entrecard on your blog. It is a widget you can easily add to your sidebar and uses information from Entrecard’s website
The plugin can be used in one of two ways:If you are using widgets, just drag the widget onto the area of the page where you want it to appear.If you aren’s using widget, add the code below to your sidebar template where you would like the button to appear.
1. Download the plugin file, unzip and place it in your plugin folder.
This makes the plugin available to WordPress and it should now appear in your Plugin folder.
2. Activate the plugin
This “starts up” the plugin, making it available to your presentation files (you know, the ones that make up your theme). At this point, the plugin is active, but WordPress doesn’t know where it should be displaying your Entrecard Droppers
3a. The plugin is widget-aware and will appear in your widget list. Go to your widget screen and add EntreDroppers to the sidebar.
3b. Alternatively, if you don’t use widgets, add this snippet to the sidebar file in your theme:
<?php entredroppers(); ?>
This tells WordPress where to put the widget.
4. Configure the widget
The plugin can be configured both from the Settings pane or from the widget control area, by clicking “Edit” on the widget. Most of the options are self-explanatory, but you will be needing the EntreCard Latest Droppers RSS feed to power the widget. You can get this from your EntreCard dashboard (top right hand corner) as shown in the picture below:

v1.0: Base release. Works as per spec.
v1.1: Added ability to mark dropper’s links as NoFollow
Great tools for Entredroppers. I’ll put this on mine.
The plugin worked perfectly fine in my right hand side widget bar.
Great plugin, im blogging about it,
I am having a problem with this plugin. It is showing blog details, I only want to show link. What to do.
Thats not a problem, just go to settings in your wordpress dashboard and click in “EntreDroppers” and now you will see the EntreDroppers settings, just scroll down to “Show blog details:” and there is a dropdown box just select “No” and click in the “Update options” button at the bottom.
Thats it, it should work with this.
i like that idea but im a blogger user, i only have 5 top droppers but i like more what you hav here.
great Plugin!!!
Is there still an Entrecard Dropper movement going on?