One of the pains of moving from one country to another is the fact that you need to close off
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Looking for Venture Capital?
Seth Godin has a brilliant post (well, aren’t they all brilliant) about some important pointers for entepreneurs looking to finance
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I cam across an excellent post this morning entitled: A comprehensive guide to starting your freelance career. It’s very well
Continue readingA Cautionary Tale
Following an article that Sherrilynne Starkie wrote in the local paper: Tech Talk: A cautionary tale (great article by the
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One of the biggest problem living on the Island is that broardband prices are much higher than they are across
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Excellent post on Problogger that talks about how Darren (the webmaster) went through a phase of working really hard on
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Great post on Joel on Software talking about the main principles of Customer Service. It’s called “Seven steps to remarkable
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