Third Thursday comes early this month, and hopefully brings with it a great start to 2014 for the Isle of Man Social Media Club. We’re trying out a new venue and meeting at Jabberwocky at 12:30 (upstairs). It’s an open invitation to anyone interested in Social Media and its impact on our personal and work lives. Come join us for a coffee, a bite and a chat.
To help us refocus, here’s what Social Media Club is all about:
Social Media Club was founded to host conversations that explore key issues facing our society as technologies transform the way we connect, communicate, collaborate and relate to each other. Social Media Club enables you explore your personal and professional passions by helping you connect with a community of your peers based on both geography and areas of interest. We exist to ensure that the world of Social Media does not become an echo chamber of self-reinforcing thoughts, but is instead fueled by diversity of opinion and perspective.
Does that have you interested? If so, come join us a Jabberwocky on the 16th January. We have lots more to share with you!
P.S. If you’re on Facebook, you can add your name to the event page.