Third Thursday – 16th February 2012 #smc

Don’t you love it when Third Thursday sneaks up on you? It’s happened again this month, so it’s time to make sure that everyone else knows it’s here!

So what exactly happens on Third Thursday? Well, it’s the customary lunch date for the Isle of Man Social Media Club, a gathering for people interested in Social Media, whether it’s for work reasons, or just for fun. We meet up for lunch to share the latest stories, trade lessons and talk about emerging technologies. It’s a bit of fun, but also a great way to learn what’s going on in the world of Social Networking.

The lunch is open to anyone, whether you’re an avid Flickr user, just discovered Pinterest or if you’ve been on Facebook ever since it opened it’s doors. Come join us at Paparazzi at 12:30 on Thursday 16th February. You’re bound to meet some online friends and make some new ones.

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