If you’re based in the Isle of Man, you probably know what this post is about. Every Third Thursday of every month, the Isle of Man Social Media pundits meet up for lunch. Well, you don’t need to be an expert to come and join us, it’s open to everyone with an interest in Social Media, whether you’re a seasoned professional, or someone who’s curious about what this “Facebook” business is all about.
Anyway, we meet at Paprazzi in Douglas on Thursday at 12:30, everyone buys their own lunch and we all have an opportunity to meet each other in real life, to discuss what we’re doing on Social Media, what challenges we’re facing and anything new we’ve found out.
So, feel free to come and join us, grab one of Paparazzi’s fabulous pizzas or just a salad if you’re so inclined. @sherrilynne recorded a video showing some peeps who turn up:
Looking forward to seeing you there! Drop me a comment if you can come.