If you’re a .Net developer here’s an event you mustn’t miss here on the Isle of Man. It’s a talk about the new language features of C# and here are the details:
Mike has agreed to share is knowledge with us, and will be giving a talk on the 3.5 language features, covering Lamdas, Extension methods and linq. I’m sure it will be interesting for everyone.
As you can imagine its been challenging finding a venue especially around TT week. A company in Ballasalla has kindly allowed us to have a room for the evening of the 23rd June 2009.
So the second meeting will be : Tuesday, 23rd June 2009, Global House, Station Road, Ballasalla. Its the office park next to the Ballasalla station. Should we say around 6:15pm.
See u there!
The presentation is being given by Mike Cromwell who is to Visual Studio what Tiger Woods is to golf clubs. Come listen to some new ideas and technique that can help you up your game. It will be a great geeky evening.