
If you’re interested in learning more about WordPress, check out It’s a collection of videos about WordPress, how to do different things, how to implement different functions and snippets from presentations that people have given.

It’s a great resource that will grow with time, but already have a number of interesting things to watch. Check it out, you can never learn too much about a platform you are using. And if you’re not using WordPress, it’s an opportunity to see what the package can offer you. Much recommended.


  1. I use Google blogspot for my blog but I know wordpress is highly regarded in the blogging world and I will try and find some time to take your advice to see what I am missing.

  2. It looks like all the big web service providers will have come up with something like that because with all the new features things might get very overwhelming, especially for a newbie…

  3. Video instruction is always helpful. I catch on so much faster with video vs reading something! I’ve made a note of it- I didn’t know it existed. Thanks-

  4. Wow, this is really helpful. I use wordpress for one of my blogs and it is driving me crazy trying to get the look I want.

  5. My comment isn’t related to this post, but just wanted to say thank you for Comment Email Responder. I’ve been using it for a while and it is by far the BEST wp plugin I have. Keep up the good work!

  6. Yeah that a good idea, but it was very jerky for me so I would hate to see it if you have slow internet connection, what about dial up :O That would be shocking lol

  7. I already find wordpress very userfriendly, though there are some features which I could do well with finding out more about. Well done on this article, it is very useful.

  8. I always prefer a video tutorial.. I guess because it is more understandable by watching the images and the instructions..

  9. Video instruction is always helpful. I catch on so much faster with video vs reading something! I’ve made a note of it- I didn’t know it existed. Thanks-

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