6 Applications that made 2008 special


I wanted to list a couple of applications that made a difference for me in 2008. Some of these have changed the way I work on my computer, some of them have been instrumental to my knowledge and online experiences. I thought I’d share them here for others to learn about.

  • Zemanta – Zemanta is a superb tool that has revolutionised my blogging experience. As you type your blog post it suggests images, hyperlinks, other posts and tags that are contextually relevant to what you’re posting about. A must-have for every blogger.
  • Digsby – part of my desktop now. It lets you combine multiple IM clients into one (I use it for GoogleTalk and MSN) and also keep an eye on various social networks (I use it for FaceBook and LinkedIn), as well as a widget for your blog so people can talk to you directly.
  • Twhirl – An awesome Twitter client that has also become part of my desktop selection. It makes Twitter a doodle to use, shows a stream of incoming Tweets and lets you retweet and interact with other Tweeters at the touch of a button. Couldn’t live without it.
  • WPAuctions – WP Auctions is a WordPress plugin I wrote with Hyder that lets bloggers auction items off their blog without paying any fees to Ebay or any other auction house. It was instrumental in my getting my hands dirty with AJAX and I learnt lots of CSS/Javascript/PHP through building it. So it makes my special list too.
  • OIO Publisher – Another WordPress plugin that has made things managing advertising content on my blogs a doddle. It lets you sell, manage and merchandise space on your blog any which way you like. A must for anyone who wants to monitise their blog.
  • Firebug – Firebug is a Firefox extension that is absolutely essential for anyone involved in web development. It lets you edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page and I just couldn’t live without it.

There you go, some applications that made 2008 great for me. Do you use any of them? What would you add to the list? What should I try for 2009?


  1. Zemanta and Digsby sound pretty cool. I don’t currently use any of these applications- I’m not sure I’m as technologically advanced as some of the bloggers in our network!

  2. Owen, you’ve done it again! Installed Zemanta and by all appearances this is going to be one really cool tool to use this year. I’d already made a post today on our blog, but I just might have to up that to two (or send everyone your way tomorrow!) Excellent!

  3. I am REALLY interested in Digsby. I’ve been poking around the site for awhile now and I can’t seem to find support for IRC. Do you know if they have it? I currently use Pidgin because they support IRC, but the don’t have any Social Networking site support.

  4. I love Zemanta and learned about it from you. I have to check on Digsby though. Seeing that you recommend it helps me feel more secure about it.

  5. Good to know about the 6 tools that had impressed in 2008…I never tried this in the past..I would like to try previous and the new updates if any in 2009..

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