I’ve been using my Azor blade for a week now and I’ve been very pleased with the results. It gives a close shave which is in the same ball park as the Gilette Fusion I used to use before. The main selling point of the Azor though is the length of time the blade stays sharp, so I’m trying to see if it stays sharp longer than my Fusion blades used to.
The only thing I didn’t like about the blade when I tried it was that I was used to a heavier handle and the balance felt wrong. However once you start shaving with it you hold it in a different way to normal blades and it feels natural and intuitive.
The blade I’m testing came complete with some King Of Shaves shaving gel and I must say I love it. The gel feels minty on the skin when you apply it and seems to leave a protective layer on the skin when you wash it off; which is very unlike anything I’ve ever used before. I’m sure part of the great result I’m getting from the Azor is thanks for the gel, but I’m still too happy with it to try experimenting with the blade and normal shaving foam.
I’ll keep you posted as the weeks go buy as to how long the blade lasts 😉

My husband is constantly buying razors, switching razors, looking for the razor with the most blades. He hates shaving because he has sensitive skin (though he won’t admit to that because it’s too wussy) so I’m sure he’ll eventually get around to give the Azor a try!
The only person that i can think of when talking about razor is my older brother.. So i will tell him about this!
I really wish I could get my husband to try something like this. He uses an electric razor. He shaves his head, too, so we do his head and face all at once, and he’s just afraid that he’ll cut his head with a real razor. I think it would make it smoother, though.
I went ‘old-school’ as part of my effort to reduce my use of plastic. I use a metal razor that uses the double edge blades that come in a little cardboard packet. I can see how using a more durable hi-tech razor would also create less garbage than the typical disposable. Please let us know how many shaves you get out of this thing.
Oh my we are not sure if our comment went through so we are going to send it again! We think our Dad would love that razor! Can you buy it in the USA? We would love to exchange cards! Please send your address to jcfloresinc (AT) g mail (DOT) com!
i love my brand of razor. i’ve been with it for years. what can i say…i’m loyal. my hubby uses an electric razor and regular razor to shave his head.
This thing sure has a strange look, but if it does the job, who cares?
I have never tried the Azor but I think I will give it a try.
The razor looks cool! Thanks for sharing about your experience with it!
Your FL furiends,
The Azor looks like the wooden handle of a slingshot but because you mentioned that it is lightweight, I think I’ll like using it. My fingers get tired fast when holding my heavy razor. Thanks for sharing this new product.
A good shave gel is definitely helpful. You still have to have a good razor, but it really helps.
hi, pleased you are enjoying the Azor shave, if you’re in the USA, it’s now available at http://www.kmishop.com, many thanks for the posts.
Heya.. thank you for the tips. I was seeking the same exact information today and discovered your interesting website from Bing. Kinda quaint to see how I was seeking out something and it just showed up.=P