It was great to hear that the project I’m working on has been short-listed for this year’s “Awards for Excellence” organised by Isle of Man Newspapers. It’s a set of awards given to people, companies and projects who have made a significant contribution to the Isle of Man and it’s quite rewarding to see our project not only being nominated for this, but also short-listed. The OneMann project is about providing access to Government services to citizens and businesses here in the Isle of Man in a consistent form over the Internet. It’s pretty exciting because it’s breaking new ground here and it’s been interesting for me to learn how to build services for consumers who aren’t directly engaged in the service build. I’m part of a great team and I’m hoping they will all be recognised through this award.
The awards ceremony is this Thursday; but I don’t think I can make it because my parents are coming visiting. Pity they don’t organise live event video streaming from the event, but I guess it’s only a big deal locally 😉 I’ll let you know if we win!

I have heard that they are doing a live stream on the IOM Newspapers website. I think they tried it last year but there was a few technical problems??
OneMann gets short-listed for Awards for Excellence: It was great to hear that the project I’m worki..
Wow! That is exciting Owen. I think it will be a big asset to the people of Isle of Man. Kudos!
wow congratulations and all the best of luck. I hope all goes very well for you.