An interesting post on Google’s Blog talks about some things they have learnt around could computer and the needs ot their customers. According to their statistics based on planned and unplanned downtime, Gmail is one of the most reliable platforms around. Check out the following graph:
It compares the actual outage of Gmail over the last year against industry standard downtime for GroupWise, Lotus and Exchange. It’s not a 100% fair comparison, as the platforms the solutions run on are different (cloud vs data centre), but a user isn’t really concerned about how the technology is delivered, just what level of service they are exposed to.
The post also talks about another development on Google’s side. They are extending the 99.9% SLA promise to Premier Edition customers across a number of other cloud offerings including Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Sites and Google Talk. It’s an interesting development, particularly as my personal biggest concern with cloud computer is reliability. This move will help drive expectations and the levels required from other providers. 99.9% reliability works out to 10 hours downtime per year (if my calculations are correct), which should be enough for pretty much anyone (although not everyone would agree)
Do you use Google Apps? How reliable do you find them?

I’ve been a fan of gmail since the super exclusive invites went out years ago, and I use it a lot for work because of the unlimited storage, but I wouldn’t say they are quite as reliable as they say they are. I’ve tried to log in during quite a few gmail “outages”.
I don’t have a problem with google…. gmail is my backup. I use google reader for my favorite sites… google is fine for me … outages don’t affect my life at this point!
I use gmail as a secondary email. I don’t want G controlling anything of mine.
I use gmail for all of my blog related emails, which means I have it open all the time. I love it, especially since I have Firefox. I have an add-on with Firefox that has a gmail skin that’s awesome. It has a totally new look to gmail, and it lets you sort your mail into different categories.
Google: Gmail is more reliable than Exchange: An interesting post on Google’s Blog talks about some t..
I don;t think I have ever noticed gmail to be down–yahoo was terrible for downtime and so was hotmail.
However blogger has been really bad for downtime and glitches.
I do have a Gmail account but very rarely use it. I prefer to use my primary Email which has an excellent spam filter and virus checker.
I’ve used Gmail since the DAY it came out with no problems at all. Google Docs and Calc has been AWESOME tools for my husband and I to share data. I have no complaints and can’t say I’ve ever logged in and seen the service “down.”
I haven’t signed up for a gmail account yet, but might now… it’s good to know they’re creating a great track record!
Very interesting. I have found gmail excellent. I did have a couple hour downtime once but otherwise it has been great.
I use everything Google and have no complains – everything serves me perfectly and they offer so many great free tools
i have a gmail account and use some of their other services, i find them to be ok.
I would have to agree with this. Maybe because they have 40 gazillion employees making sure it is up and running.
Gmail all the way for me. I mean, you have an email system and chat system built into one program, web based so its available from any PC and its almost ALWAYS up and active.
Another Gmail lover here. I have a little down time but nothing that would make me leave.
Gmail is our favorite, too! We have never had our s go down and they are always coming up with new applications that help!
Your FL furiends,
I signed up with Gmail and then never used it, but I do love a lot of Google’s apps like Reader, Feeds and their Docs are wonderful.
I use Gmail but it has:
1 lost some of my mail
2 Delivered some the NEXT day
3 Lost some CONTACTS